Algorithms Data Structures = Programs Pdf
Programming Foundations Data Structures Welcome to Foundations of Programming, Data Structures. Im Simon Allardice. This course existsbecause as soon as we get beyond simplistichello world programming,our programs are filled with data structures. An array is a data structure,an object in an object orientedprogramming language is a data structure,but there are many others. We have dictionaries, sets, hash tables,queues and stacks, lists and link lists,trees and graphs,multiple ways to contain informationinside a computer program. Well begin here by coveringthe plain old data structuresfrom the earlier programming languages,things like structs and basic arrays that we all know. Well see why theyre so useful,but there are better options for many programming problems. Im going to startto introduce more complex data structures,but well always keep a practical, real world,pragmatic approach to this. Why would we use a hash table or a stack What is a set useful for When should you avoid using an array Or a queue Or a dictionary Now, this course is not about writingthe behind the scenes data structure algorithmsbecause most modern programming languagesalready have incredible built in supportfor all the classic data structures. Theyre optimized, theyre battle tested,but theyre also often underutilized and misunderstood. Here, its about truly understanding data structuresso you can use them successfully in whatever languageyoure using today, or six months from now,or five years from now. Lets get started. Recursion computer science Wikipedia. Tree created using the Logo programming language and relying heavily on recursion. Each branch can be seen as a smaller version of a tree. Recursion in computer science is a method where the solution to a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem as opposed to iteration. The approach can be applied to many types of problems, and recursion is one of the central ideas of computer science. The power of recursion evidently lies in the possibility of defining an infinite set of objects by a finite statement. In the same manner, an infinite number of computations can be described by a finite recursive program, even if this program contains no explicit repetitions. Most computer programming languages support recursion by allowing a function to call itself within the program text. Some functional programming languages do not define any looping constructs but rely solely on recursion to repeatedly call code. Computability theory proves that these recursive only languages are Turing complete they are as computationally powerful as Turing complete imperative languages, meaning they can solve the same kinds of problems as imperative languages even without iterative control structures such as while and for. Pdf Plugin For Publisher 2003. Algorithms Data Structures = Programs Pdf' title='Algorithms Data Structures = Programs Pdf' />Gain a deeper understanding of how computer programs store and manipulate data internally. Data Structures Algorithms i About the Tutorial Data Structures are the programmatic way of storing data so that data can be used efficiently. Free Tech Book Downloads Java, Linux, SQL Database, PerlPython, C and C, Microsoft, Programming, Security, Science ebooks, Free PDF, Ebooks Manuals. TwjoIUdqByI/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Algorithms Data Structures = Programs Pdf To Word' title='Algorithms Data Structures = Programs Pdf To Word' />Recursive functions and algorithmseditA common computer programming tactic is to divide a problem into sub problems of the same type as the original, solve those sub problems, and combine the results. This is often referred to as the divide and conquer method when combined with a lookup table that stores the results of solving sub problems to avoid solving them repeatedly and incurring extra computation time, it can be referred to as dynamic programming or memoization. A recursive function definition has one or more base cases, meaning inputs for which the function produces a result trivially without recurring, and one or more recursive cases, meaning inputs for which the program recurs calls itself. For example, the factorial function can be defined recursively by the equations 0 Neither equation by itself constitutes a complete definition the first is the base case, and the second is the recursive case. Because the base case breaks the chain of recursion, it is sometimes also called the terminating case. The job of the recursive cases can be seen as breaking down complex inputs into simpler ones. In a properly designed recursive function, with each recursive call, the input problem must be simplified in such a way that eventually the base case must be reached. Functions that are not intended to terminate under normal circumstancesfor example, some system and server processesare an exception to this. Neglecting to write a base case, or testing for it incorrectly, can cause an infinite loop. For some functions such as one that computes the series for e 10 Such an example is more naturally treated by co recursion, where successive terms in the output are the partial sums this can be converted to a recursion by using the indexing parameter to say compute the nth term nth partial sum. Recursive data typeseditMany computer programs must process or generate an arbitrarily large quantity of data. Recursion is one technique for representing data whose exact size the programmer does not know the programmer can specify this data with a self referential definition. There are two types of self referential definitions inductive and coinductive definitions. Driver Hp Pavilion Dv2000 For Win7'>Driver Hp Pavilion Dv2000 For Win7. Ifunbox For Ios 8.3'>Ifunbox For Ios 8.3. Inductively defined dataeditAn inductively defined recursive data definition is one that specifies how to construct instances of the data. For example, linked lists can be defined inductively here, using Haskell syntax data. List. Of. StringsEmpty. ListCons. String. List. Of. Strings. The code above specifies a list of strings to be either empty, or a structure that contains a string and a list of strings. The self reference in the definition permits the construction of lists of any finite number of strings. Another example of inductive definition is the natural numbers or positive integers A natural number is either 1 or n1, where n is a natural number. Similarly recursive definitions are often used to model the structure of expressions and statements in programming languages. Algorithms Data Structures = Programs Pdf' title='Algorithms Data Structures = Programs Pdf' />Language designers often express grammars in a syntax such as Backus Naur form here is such a grammar, for a simple language of arithmetic expressions with multiplication and addition lt expr lt number. This says that an expression is either a number, a product of two expressions, or a sum of two expressions. By recursively referring to expressions in the second and third lines, the grammar permits arbitrarily complex arithmetic expressions such as 5 3 6 8, with more than one product or sum operation in a single expression. Coinductively defined data and corecursioneditA coinductive data definition is one that specifies the operations that may be performed on a piece of data typically, self referential coinductive definitions are used for data structures of infinite size. A coinductive definition of infinite streams of strings, given informally, might look like this. A stream of strings is an object s such that. This is very similar to an inductive definition of lists of strings the difference is that this definition specifies how to access the contents of the data structurenamely, via the accessor functions head and tailand what those contents may be, whereas the inductive definition specifies how to create the structure and what it may be created from. Corecursion is related to coinduction, and can be used to compute particular instances of possibly infinite objects. As a programming technique, it is used most often in the context of lazy programming languages, and can be preferable to recursion when the desired size or precision of a programs output is unknown. In such cases the program requires both a definition for an infinitely large or infinitely precise result, and a mechanism for taking a finite portion of that result. The problem of computing the first n prime numbers is one that can be solved with a corecursive program e. Types of recursioneditSingle recursion and multiple recursioneditRecursion that only contains a single self reference is known as single recursion, while recursion that contains multiple self references is known as multiple recursion. Standard examples of single recursion include list traversal, such as in a linear search, or computing the factorial function, while standard examples of multiple recursion include tree traversal, such as in a depth first search. Single recursion is often much more efficient than multiple recursion, and can generally be replaced by an iterative computation, running in linear time and requiring constant space. Multiple recursion, by contrast, may require exponential time and space, and is more fundamentally recursive, not being able to be replaced by iteration without an explicit stack. Multiple recursion can sometimes be converted to single recursion and, if desired, thence to iteration. For example, while computing the Fibonacci sequence naively is multiple iteration, as each value requires two previous values, it can be computed by single recursion by passing two successive values as parameters. This is more naturally framed as corecursion, building up from the initial values, tracking at each step two successive values see corecursion examples.